16 July 2024 Update.
Hi there,
There are more people who need this. Please circulate it as widely as you can.
Just paste the link below into a note, email etc,
Glossary of Acronyms in Project 2025
I hope this is helpful.
Glossary of Acronyms
(A&Ps) Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics
(ACS) American Communities Survey
(AD) Antidumping
(AD/CVD) Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Laws
(AG) attorneys general
(AI) Artificial Intelligence
(AIR) Asset Infrastructure Review
(AML-CFT) Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism
(ANPRMs) Advance Notices of Proposed Rulemakings
(ANSP) Air Navigation Service Provider
(APs) Administrative Proceedings
(ARPA) American Rescue Plan Act
(ASA) Assistant Secretary for Administration
(ATC) Air traffic Control
(ATO) Air Traffic Organization
(AVs) automated vehicles
(BAB) Build America Bureau
(BEA) Bureau of Economic Analysis
(BIS) Bureau of Industry and Security
(BRD) Budget Review Division
(CAA) Civil Aviation Authority
(CAA) Clean Air Act
(CAFE) Corporate Average Fuel Economy
(CARB) California Air Resources Board
(CAT) Consolidated Audit Trail
(CB) Central Bank
(CBDC) Central Bank Digital Currency
(CBOCs) Community Based Outpatient Clinics
(CBP) Customs and Border Protection
(CCN) Community Care Network
(CCP) Communist Party of China
(CEA) Council of Economic Advisers
(CEO) Chief Executive Officer
(CEQ) Council on Environmental Quality
(CFIUS) Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.
(CFO) Chief Financial Officer
(CFPB) Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
(CFTC) Commodity Futures Trading Commission
(CIG) Capital Investment Grants
(CIO) Chief Information Officer
(COPPA) Child Online Privacy Protection Act
(CPATPP) Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
(CPI) Consumer Price Index
(CRA) Congressional Review Act
(CRT) Critical Race Theory
(CS) Commercial Service
(CSR) Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSRA) Civil Service Reform Act
(CSRS) Civil Service Retirement System
(CTA) Corporate Transparency Act
(CTEP) China and Transformation Exports Program
(CTR) Cash Transaction Report
(CVD) Countervailing Duty
(DAD) Deputy Assistant Director
(DEI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
(DERA) SEC Division of Economic and Risk Analysis
(DHS) Department of Homeland Security
(DIUx) Defense Innovation Unit Experimental
(DOD) Department of Defense
(DOJ) Department of Justice
(DOL) Department of Labor
(DOT) Department of Transportation
(DPC) Domestic Policy Council
(E&C) Enforcement & Compliance
(EAR) Export Administration Regulations
(EAS) Essential Air Service
(ECA) Export Credit Agency
(ECCN) Export Control Classification Number
(ECRA) Export Control Reform Act
(EDA) Economic Development Administration
(EEOC) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(EGC) Emerging Growth Company
(EHR) Electronic Health Record
(EIDL) Economic Injury Disaster Loan
(EO) executive order
(EOIR) Executive Office for Immigration Reform
(EOP) Executive Office of the President
(EPA) Environmental Protection Agency
(EPCA) Energy Policy and Conservation Act
(ERISA) Employee Retirement Income Security Act
(ESG) Environmental, Social, and Governance
(ESOP) Employee Stock Ownership Plans (
(ETA) Employment and Training Administration
(EU) European Union
(EV) Electric Vehicle
(eVTOL) Electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing
(EXIM) Export–Import Bank
(FAA) Federal Aviation Administration
(FACA) Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACE) Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
(FCC) Federal Communications Commission
(FCEN) Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FCS) Foreign Commercial Service
(FDA) Food and Drug Administration
(FDI) Foreign Direct Investment
(FEC) Federal Election Commission
(FECA) Federal Election Campaign Act
(FEMA) Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FERS) Federal Employees Retirement System
(FHWA) Federal Highway Administration
(FinCEN) Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
(FINRA) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
(FIRRMA) Foreign Risk and Review Modernization Act
(FLSA) Fair Labor Standards Act
(FMCS) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(FMCSA) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
(FPISC) Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council
(FRA) Federal Railroad Administration
(FSOC) Financial Stability Oversight Council
(FTA) Federal Transit Administration
(FTA) Free Trade Agreement
(FTC) Federal Trade Commission
(FTCA) Federal Trade Commission Act
(FTE) Full- Time Equivalent
(FY) fiscal year
(GAO) Government Accountability Office
(GDP) Gross Domestic Product
(GFTA) Global Free Trade Alliance
(Ginnie Mae) Government National Mortgage Association
(GLS) Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
(GM) Global Markets
(GPC) Gender Policy Council
(GSA) General Services Administration
(GSEs) Government-Sponsored Enterprises
(HEALS) Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection, and Schools
(HMC) Human Capital Management
(HRA) Human Resources and Administration
(HRIT) Human Resources Information Technology
(HSA) Health Savings Accounts
(I&A) Industry and Analysis
(IC) Intelligence Community
(ICE) Internal-Combustion Engine
(ICTS) Information and Communications Technology and Services
(IG) Inspector General
(ILAB) Bureau of International Labor Affairs
(IMF) International Monetary Fund
(IORs) Importers of Record
(IOTF) Industries of the Future
(IP) Intellectual Property
(IPEF) Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity
(IRAP) Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Program
(IRS) Internal Revenue Service
(IT) information technology
(ITA) International Trade Administration
(ITIA) Office of Trade and Investment Advocacy
(ITS) Intelligent Transportation Systems
(LCCE) Lifecycle Cost Estimate
(LNG) Liquified Natural gas
(LOLR) Lender of Last Resort
(MARAD) Maritime Administration
(MBDA) Minority Business Development Agency
(MBEs) Minority Business Enterprises
(MBS) Mortgage-Backed Securities
(MDBA) Minority Business Advisory Council
(MEP) Manufacturing Extension Partnership
(MFN) Most Favored Nation
(MIAO) Made in America Office
(NAC) National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations
(NAFTA) North American Free Trade Agreement
(NEC) National Economic Council
(NEPA) National Environmental Policy Act
(NESDIS) National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
(NFA) National Futures Association
(NGDP) Nominal Gross Domestic Product
(NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NIST) National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NLRB) National Labor Relations Board
(NMB) National Mediation Board
(NMFS) National Marine Fisheries Service
(NOAA) National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOS) The National Ocean Service
(NPRM) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NSA) National Security Advisor
(NSC) National Security Council
(NSTC) National Science and Technology Council
(NTA) National Taxpayer Advocate
(NTIA) National Telecommunications and Information Agency
(NTIS) National Telecommunications and Information Service
(NWS) National Weather Service
(OACP) Office of Aviation Consumer Protection
(OAR) Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
(OAWP) Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection
(OCC) Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OCI) Office of Compliance Initiatives
(OECD) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OFCCP) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
(OFCIO) Office of the Federal Chief Information Officer
(OFFM) Office of Federal Financial Management
(OFLC) Office of Foreign Labor Certification
(OFPP) Office of Federal Procurement Policy
(OGC) Office of General Counsel
(OIG) Office of Inspector General
(OLA) Orderly Liquidation Authority
(OMB) Office of Management and Budget
(ONCD) Office of the National Cyber Director
(ONDCP) Office of National Drug Control Policy
(OPCC) Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
(OPM) Office of Personnel Management
(OPPM) Office of Performance and Personnel Management
(OS) Office of the Secretary
(OSC) Office of Space Commerce
(OSP) Office of Security and Preparedness
(OSTP) Office of Science and Technology Policy
(OTA) Office of the Taxpayer Advocate
(P3s) Public–Private Partnerships
(PA) Physician Assistants
(PACT) Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics
(PADs) Program Associate Directors
(PBGC) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
(PCAOB) Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
(PHMSA) Pipeline Safety and Hazardous Material Administration
(PLAs) Project Labor Agreements
(PPO) Presidential Personnel Office
(PPP) Paycheck Protection Program
(PSLA) Public Service Loan Forgiveness
(QIS) Quantum information science
(R&D) Research and Development
(RAP) Recognized Apprenticeship Program
(RBOs) Regional Benefits Offices
(RFA) Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RMOs) Resource Management Offices
(ROI) Return on Investment
(RSAC) Railroad Safety Advisory Committee
(SA) Senior Advisor
(SAP) Special Assistants to the President
(SARs) Suspicious activity reports
(SBA) Small Business Administration
(SBICs) Small Business Investment Companies
(SBIR) Small Business Innovation Research
(SBLCs) Small Business Lending Companies
(SBREFA) Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
(SCC) Social Cost of Carbon
(SEC) Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEF) Swap Execution Facility
(SES) Senior Executive Service
(SME) Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
(SOC) Secretary of Commerce
(SOEs) State-Owned Enterprises
(SPM) Supplemental Poverty Measure
(SROs) Self-Regulatory Organizations
(STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
(STTR) Small Business Technology Transfer
(TFI) Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
(TFTEA) Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act
(TPA) Trade Promotion Authority
(TPP) Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TSP) Thrift Savings Plan
(TTC) Transportation Technology Center
(UI) Unemployment Insurance
(UMTA) Urban Mass Transportation Act
(USA) Universal Savings Accounts
(USF) Universal Service Fund
(USGCRP) U.S. Global Change Research Program
(USH) Under Secretary for Health
(USMCA) United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement
(USPTO) U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
(USRTA) U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act
(USTDA) U.S. Trade and Development Agency
(USTR) United States Trade Representative
(VA) Department of Veterans Affairs
(VAMCs) VA Medical Centers
(VASRD) VA’s Schedule for Rating Disabilities
(VBA) Veterans Benefits Administration
(VHA) Veterans Health Administration
(VSOs) Veteran Service Organizations
(WCO) World Customs Organization
(WHOC) White House Office of Communications
(WTO) World Trade Organization
Thanks for reading.
That is incredible. Eye opening. The one that struck me coldly was Human Asset Management. WTF… Yikes, sounds like something the German Reich might have employed in describing their economic plans for the “work camps” - where the managed human capital quite brutally.
How generous of you. Thank you.